What is mock trial?
A mock trial is a simulated court case that features students in the roles of attorneys, witnesses, and even courtroom artists. The purpose of the mock trial is to help students learn the legal procedures by which facts are determined and the rules of law applied to a criminal or civil case. Mock trial also teaches students public speaking, problem solving skills, teamwork, and enhances practical creativity.
What will we do?
Student teams from across the state study a hypothetical criminal or civil case, write questions and arguments, and prepare for their day(s) in court. The competition is sponsored by the State Bar of Georgia. Student teams made up of between nine and twenty students are given a case packet that contains a fact situation, legal citations and case law, witness statements, evidence, and a pre-trial motion with positions for the prosecution and defense. The student's job is to develop arguments using the facts with the appropriate law that will convince a judge to either convict or acquit the defendant. Real attorneys score the teams based on how effectively they prepare and present their case. Students will work with each other, local attorneys, and the teacher-coaches to prepare.
What’s the schedule like?
Practices start once a week, then increase in frequency as we get closer to the competition date. Not everyone on the team will need to attend every single practice. We will have a detailed schedule after we assign roles for each person on the team.
Mock Trial is an extracurricular activity that relies on teamwork and practice just like a sports team. Once a student has committed to participating in Mock Trial, the rest of the team will be counting on the attendance and involvement of every team member. If your child cannot attend practices or one of the competition dates below, please do not sign this permission form without letting us know beforehand.
Are there any requirements?
Students must maintain a 2.5 GPA to compete and cannot be failing any current class. Students must also avoid major discipline referrals in school.
Students or their parents will be responsible for transportation.
Students are also required to pay a 30 dollar fee to join. This money will be spent to pay for the team’s registration fees in competition and provide students with snacks or other expenses.
Important dates:
Oct 17 Case release day
Feb 1 Region competitions – 3 rounds (some with Friday evening round 1)
Feb 22 District competitions – 3 rounds
Feb 23 Atlanta District competition (Atlanta Region 16 & Atlanta Region 3)
Mar 14-16 State Finals Competition
If you need to contact us, we can be reached at the following email addresses:
Carl Jordan, Teacher Coach: carl.jordan@carrollcountyschools.com
John Tanner, Teacher Coach: john.tanner@carrollcountyschools.com
Please use this QR code to sign up for the Mock Trial team information meeting, or use the following link: https://forms.gle/1M3JQAWsJ2XDAp8e6
Even if you are not sure, sign up and we will contact you when we are starting our meetings and you can check it out.
Mock Trial is an intense but fun experience. There is a place for you on our team!